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Perspective: A lovely hand to hold

As I go to write I am tackled by the fear of feeling insignificant and not being original. 

Is anything really original anymore? I’m sure numerous people have already covered the topics I feel drawn to write about. I don’t want to come off like a copycat.

Who am I? A 20-something lady trying to find her place in this world. I have a little blog that reaches a number not even acknowledged by society’s measure of success. Success has become a numbers game in this digital world. We track page visits, likes, follows, etc.

Then I stop. I go back to one of my favorite scriptures: Matthew 18:12-13.

“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.

I write for myself, but with the hopes that it will speak to someone else. When your moments of hurt, frustration and searching speak to others it all becomes worth it somehow. I might not be on the Today Show or have a million+ followers on Twitter, but I have you – you who are reading this. That's enough.

It’s easy to get caught up in society’s measure of success, to compare yourself to others and to think you aren’t doing enough. I’ve always said I want to change the world. That starts by doing for one what you wish you could do for all. One person can’t change the world, but together we can.

There are thousands of blogs about life. Someone else might write about the things I do, but what if you don’t know that someone else?

You see. It’s all about perspective. Reach for its hand and hold it.


  1. Good read :) great perspective. You never know who you might impact. If God has called you to write, write as much as you can. I've found its good therapy for me and at some point, it might impact someone.


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