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Surviving Labels

So many labels...  

Everyone searching for an identity... a way to find a sense of belonging. Or the labels people place on us so they can somehow make sense of us.

The very thing we use to relate to one another also divides us. An important distinction: the label itself isn't what divides us... rather, it's our judgements about the label.

The thing I can't stand about labels... they put us in a box.

We automatically cut ourselves off from experiences that can be magical. We miss out on connecting with incredible people. We rob ourselves from truly seeing and being with others.

To think that I almost passed on my husband because he used the word universe, was into stones, Buddha and astrology. Things the traditional church programmed me to have judgements towards.

The more I open my mind to see beyond my own judgements and thoughts about certain labels... the more I realize how often labels get in our way... the more more I ask myself, "Are we all really that different?"

We all want to be liked. We all long for relationship. We all fear not being accepted.

We are all in some way, surviving our identity... clinging to and steering clear of certain labels.

I struggle even using the label of God for how I relate to my spirituality. Truthfully that's solely rooted in my personal judgements towards the church who uses that word. At some point on my journey I changed that label to Universe... a much more edgy label that tends to be taboo in the church. Really though... it's just a friken' label and both mean the same thing to me.

So when I get the question of what would you call your belief system... I'm at a loss for how to even label that and for once I'm okay not giving an answer. I don't need that label, perhaps others just need it so they can figure out how to put me into their box of personal understanding. So label me what you want, it doesn't define me. Not everything in this world makes sense and there's so much freedom when you quit trying to "figure it out."

Maybe choosing no label is my way of trying to avoid wrongful judgement... because shit, I'm human and I want to belong and I want everyone to feel like they belong if they're in my presence.

All I know is I love people, connecting, being vulnerable, seeing the value in everyone no matter what the world wants to say about certain labels. Getting into the weeds of fundamental debate isn't something I care to spend my energy on. That's all.


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